In order to make wise investments in a marketplace experiencing increasing levels of risk, companies are seeking to feasibility studies to determine if they should offer new products , services or undertake a new business endeavor. The purpose of a feasibility study is to determine if a business opportunity is possible, practical, and viable. When faced with a business opportunity many optimistic people tend to focus on just the positive aspects. A feasibility study enables a realistic view at both the positive and negative aspects of the opportunity. A feasibility study is an important tool for making the right decisions. A wrong decision often leads to business failure. For example, only 50% of start-ups are still in business after 18 months and only 20% are in business after 5 years.
Feasibility studies are useful when starting a new business or identifying a new opportunity for an existing business. Ideally, the feasibility study process involves making rational decisions about a number of enduring characteristics of a project, including:
Definition of the project
Current market segmentation
Projected growth in each market segment
Current market offerings
Customer profile(s)
Estimation of customers/revenues
Determination of competitive differentiation and advantage(s) Vision/mission statement
Definition of proposed operations/management structure and management methods
Financing and projected cash flow
We undertake the necessary feasibility study for your business venture and we prepare the feasibility report that will enable to launch/ diversify your business with a view to maximize your profits and customer satisfaction.